A central strength of the school remains how well the Catholic ethos shapes the life of pupils, staff and governors. Pupils develop a strong understanding of Christianity and the importance of love, respect and community. The school is a calm, happy place for learning. Pupil’s engage very positively in activities and they are proud to attend the school.” OFSTED May 2017
“St Joseph’s demonstrates a positive culture of welcome and the school is fully inclusive; they value and celebrate diversity. There is evidence of a real and lived parish school family link creating a strong sense of community.” RE Inspection July 2017
Leaders are passionate about serving their community and are held in high regard by the parents and governors of the school. One parent was very clear about her support for the Headteacher whom she described as ‘full of love.’ RE Inspection July 2017
Mission Statement:
Together as God’s children we will, love, learn, grow, inspire. "Let your light shine!”
Our School Prayer Dear St Joseph The Worker, This is our School. Let peace dwell here. Let the rooms be full of happiness. Let love be here, Love of one another, Love of life itself. And love of God. Let us remember, That as many hands build a house, So many hearts make a school. Amen
Online resources: https://cafod.org.uk/Education/Children-s-liturgy
Video Resources: The Story of Easter (Jesus' Sacrifice): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HL8R158Ujp4 Watch and discuss a range of Bible Stories. 'Saddleback Kids' is a great Youtube channel.