Emotional Well being and Pastoral Support


Here at St Joseph the Worker we take the emotional well being of our staff and pupils very seriously. Each and everyone at our school is welcomed warmly and we aim to create a positive, calm and happy school where pupils, staff and visitors enjoy being here. 

We recognise that at times some people may be affected by worries, concerns, anxieties or difficulties at home. It is only natural to feel a range of feelings and when pupils or staff need extra support we strive to provide that as a school. 

First and foremost we have staff who are caring, considerate and supportive and we treat each child as an individual. We take the time to listen to a child's feelings and worries and support them in the most appropriate ways. Staff are on hand to listen to pupils, provide advice and strategies, respond with actions and do our best to ensure every pupil feels valued and respected. We have interventions, books, games, social stories and other school resources which are proven to support pupils and help them overcome worries or unwanted feelings.

We encourage parents to speak to your child's class teacher, update them about changes at home or things which may affect or upset your child. Communication is key to a good relationship and we rely on you to update us.


When worries get a little bit more than a child can manage, we work with parents and other agencies to look at ways in which we can further support the child and family. These may include referrals to other agencies, ideas and ways to support at home or addressing the difficulty directly. These agencies include CARITAS and CAMHS. 



Each week we have specialist counsellors in school to work with identified pupils on a specfic caseload to support them on a 1:1 or group basis depending on their needs. They work with parents and pupils to help look at difficulties a child has and what, as a team, we can do to overcome them and support the child best. 


We are also able to make referrals to Salford CAMHS for mental health difficulties with pupils. This is something that can be discussed, explored and arranged with the school SENCO  - Mrs Jessop

We also use the Relax Kids programme in school https://www.relaxkids.com/ for strategies and ways to encourage pupils have the tools to calm themselves down when they are feeling overwhelmed, tired, anxious or upset. 

If you have any worries or concerns about your child's well being or would like further information, please speak to your child's class teacher or make an appointment to see Mrs Clayton or Mrs Jessop 

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