Reception 2024 - 2025
Mrs Chadwick
Together as God's children we will love, learn, grow, inspire;
'Let your light shine.'
Our Reception Team
Mrs Chadwick Mrs Ward
Welcome to the Reception class page. We explore through play and directed tasks to develop a love of learning. We follow RWI as our phonics programme and White Rose Maths for Maths.
Please make sure that all of your child's clothing is clearly labelled with their name.
We like to learn and play outside in all weathers so your child will need a pair of wellington boots to keep in school.
Your children love to share what they have been up to in school and Tapestry is a great way to do this. The staff in Reception also love to see what you get up to at home- don't forget you can share this with us via Tapestry too.
Reading books are changed three times a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Please read with your child every night and sign the planner.
Library books are changed on Wednesdays.
We are very excited to announce Oxford Owl as another reading resource for you to access. Each child has a login which can be found on the back of the planner. The children will have a book and quiz allocated to them related to their phonics work.
Useful Websites
Oxford Owl A great website for the children to read books online.
Speak up Salford This is a speech and language website which has some good ideas about how you can help your child with their speech and understanding of words.
TopMarks educational games for early years