Year 5 2024 - 2025

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Mrs Jeffery

Welcome to Year 5


Welcome to our Year 5 class page! Mrs Jeffery and Miss Wade are really excited for a year full of exciting learning opportunities and skill development. Our Year 5 classroom is a happy and positivie working environment and it is our mission to ensure that all the children in our care enjoy their learning experience. 

Spellings and Homework

Children will receive spellings on a Friday to be learnt and tested in class on the following Friday.
Homework will be set on a Monday to be handed in on the following Monday.
We encourage all children to read at home and complete the activities and challenges set in their school planners. Books will be changed as frequently as possible with free readers being able to change their own books as frequently as necessary.
Children are also given their TTRS and Purple Mash logins at the beginning of the year and can access a variety of exercises and practices to complete at home.  


This half term (Spring 1), dance sessions will take place on a Monday afternoon and outdoor P.E. with Mr Thompson will take place on a Friday. Please ensure your child is sent to school with full PE kit in a bag so they can change before the session.


We ask that every child tries their best in their lessons and we will be there to support and encourage them along the way.  It is our wish, that we foster in our pupils, a resilient attitude to learning and we value highly the parental support needed to strengthen our team.  

There are various documents attached to our class page for your reference, but if there is ever anything you need, then send an email to the main school email [email protected] for my attention.



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