Year 5 2024 - 2025
Miss Laverty
Wecome to Year 5
Welcome back to a new school year, children have settled in nicely and are working very hard. We have spent the last few weeks delving into the past by exploring the Victorian era and the class are such a pleasure to teach.
Spellings and Homework
Children will receive spellings on a Monday to be learnt and tested in class on a Friday. Homework will set on a Monday to be handed in on the following Monday.
This half term, PE will be on a Friday please ensure you child is sent to school with full PE kits in a bag so they can change.
The reward system in class is dojos, I am aware you are familar with this platform as they used it in Year 4. When children reach to a certain amount of dojos they get the following rewards:
250- sit next to a friend in class
500- come in to school in your own clothes or PJs
750- Extra play
1000- All of the above for a day