Year 2 2024 - 2025
Ms Hoolighan
Welcome to Year 2
Mrs Hoolighan, Mr Austick & Miss Goodall
Meet the team:
Mrs Hoolighan
Hello! My name is Mrs Hoolighan and I am currently the year 2 teacher at St Joseph the worker primary school. It is my second year at this wonderful school, and I am very excited to teach your children this academic year. A little bit about me: I am Roman Catholic, married and I have a little girl. I am an avid animal lover and have 2 dogs; Pip & Gus and 2 guinea pigs (who like to visit school sometimes) called Coco & Luna at home. When I have free time I love baking, reading and binge-watching Netflix. I am also a MASSIVE Disney fan! I am so excited to get to know you over the next year!
Miss Goodall
Hi Everyone, My name is Miss Goodall and I am the new teaching assistant in year 2. I am a former primary school teacher with experience in Key Stage 1. At home, I love to go on long walks with my family and my cocker spaniel, find new recipes to cook and keep fit. The children have already made me feel so welcome and I have loved supporting them on their journey in year 2 so far. I look forward to meeting you soon!
Overview Of Year 2
In Year 2, we strive to help children reach their full potential and let their let shine! Children in Year 2 work incredibly hard and enjoy learning. We use a range of teaching styles so that all learning styles are catered for.
We aim to provide a calm and welcoming environment that promotes a love of learning by showcasing the children's achievements, whilst also allowing opportunities for reflection and processing: thus ensuring all children have the facility to reach their induividual potential.
Where possible, we make links between different areas of the curriculum in order to make our learning more fun and purposeful.
Children build on and extend their knowledge and skills from Year 1 and prepare for transition into Year 3.
In Year 2, we place importance on independence and organisation skills, in order to prepare children for transition into Key Stage 2 next year.
Children are encouraged to:
- Be responsible for their own belongings: cardigans, jumpers, water bottles, book bags, etc.
- Be organised each morning by putting their book bag and bottles away
- Spend time reading and learning spellings at home.
- Tie their own shoe laces.
- Go to the toilet and get drinks at appropriate times.
- Enjoy their learning.
Homework is set every Friday to be returned the following Thursday.
P.E. will be every Tuesday. Please remember P.E. kits
Please check out the files below to see what the age related expectations are for Year 2
(End of Key Stage 1)
If you have any questions or concerns, please speak to one of the teachers or contact school for an appointment.
We love to read! Mrs Hoolighan and Mrs Ward are both bookworms and we aim to help children develop into fluent readers with good comprehension skills. In our classroom, we have a reading corner where children can enjoy a book. We expect children to read at home each night. We also love it when children bring in good reads to share with the class. We aim to promote a love of reading, so please encourage your child to read as many different books at home and develop their skills as a reader.
Year 2 phonics is based around spelling rules and patterns. By the end of Year 2 we aim for children to spell many of the words within their writing correctly. We have lots of resources available in our classroom to support children when they are writing such as working walls and spelling mats. In Year 2 children become independent writers.
Year 2 maths builds on knowledge and skills from Year 1. We become more fluent with our basic number facts such as bonds to 10, 20 and 100, doubles and halves and 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables. We build fluency through completing maths skills daily. Children also develop their problem solving and reasoning skills as well as becoming more independent learners. We always start new concepts using concrete apparatus in order to develop conceptual understanding, we then progress to pictorial representations and then more abstract methods and recordings. As much practise at home with counting, simple sums and times table practise will really help.
Here is an example. This is how Year 2 learn to solve 2 digit + 2 digit addition.
Useful website links for parents to help with home learning and homework: