Year 1 2024 - 2025

Miss Hewitt

Welcome to Year 1

Our mission Statement

Together as God's children, we will love, learn, grow, inspire. Let your light shine. 

What a great start Year 1 had. They were very busy during the first term. The children have been working hard on their sounds and are progressing well. 

This term the children have been working hard again with their phonics and reading. 


Our Year 1 team is..

Miss Hewitt

Mrs Morris

Miss McMillan 




Our PE days this half term are Tuesday's with Mr Thompson where we will be covering multi skills.

Homework is sent home on a Tuesday each week and bought back to school on a Monday. Homework is based on the work we are doing in lessons that week. Please read with your child atleast three times a week.

Please send in your childs reading book each day. Reading books will be changed on a Monday, Wednesday and a Friday.

Thanks you for your continued support. 



I have copied some links that are either good games or resources. I will update these as I find them:

Top Marks is a good website for Maths resources and games

This game would be good for practising number bonds, halving and doubling

BBC bitesize has some good resources for all subject areas, especially Science and Topic work.






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